Uncluttering before a move is a great way to reduce stress and make the process smoother. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you declutter effectively:

1. Start Early

  • Begin the process as soon as possible – The earlier you start, the less overwhelming it will be. Set aside time each day to work on different areas of your home.

2. Break It Down by Categories

  • Sort by room – Tackle one room at a time to prevent feeling overwhelmed. For example, start with closets, then move on to the kitchen, living room, and so on.
  • Sort by category – Instead of focusing on each room at once, you can also sort things by category (clothes, books, kitchen gadgets, etc.) to make the process easier.

3. Use the “Four-Box Method”

  • Set up four boxes or piles – Label them as:
    1. Keep – Items you use regularly or truly love.
    2. Donate – Items in good condition but no longer needed.
    3. Sell – Items you can make money off (furniture, electronics, clothes, etc.).
    4. Trash – Items that are broken, expired, or unusable.

4. Apply the 6-Month Rule

  • Ask yourself: “Have I used this in the past six months?” If not, it’s a good indication that it’s time to let it go. This can apply to clothes, gadgets, and other items you rarely use.

5. Get Rid of Duplicates

  • Check for duplicates – Are there multiple kitchen gadgets, sets of sheets, or similar items? If you have duplicates and don’t need them, it’s time to downsize.

6. Go Digital

  • Digitize documents – Instead of moving piles of paperwork, scan important documents and store them digitally. Shred or recycle the ones you no longer need.

7. Handle One Category at a Time

  • Clothes and shoes – Go through your wardrobe and decide what fits, what’s in good condition, and what you wear regularly. Donate or sell items that no longer serve you.
  • Books – Let go of books you’ve already read or know you won’t read again. Consider donating them to a library or a local charity.
  • Furniture – Look at your furniture and decide if any pieces won’t fit in your new home or are no longer necessary.
  • Sentimental items – Tackle these last. Keep only the most meaningful items, and take pictures of others before letting them go.

8. Sell or Donate Items Early

  • Sell – Use apps like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, or Poshmark to sell valuable items. Plan ahead so you can ship or hand off items before moving day.
  • Donate – Donate to local charities or schedule a pick-up for donations to lighten the load. Many organizations offer free pick-up services.

9. Organize as You Go

  • Box up the “keep” items neatly – As you declutter, start packing the items you plan to keep. Label boxes with their contents and room destination to stay organized.

10. Be Ruthless

  • Don’t second-guess yourself – It’s easy to hold on to things for sentimental reasons, but the fewer items you have to pack, the smoother your move will be. If you haven’t used something in a long time, it’s often easier to let it go.

11. Get Help if Needed

  • Ask for assistance – If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask a friend or family member to help. Sometimes having another person’s perspective can make it easier to let go of things.

12. Celebrate Your Progress

  • Take breaks and reward yourself – Decluttering can be exhausting, so celebrate the small victories! Once you’ve cleared out a space or made a significant donation, give yourself a little reward to stay motivated.

By decluttering before your move, you’ll not only lighten the load but also start fresh in your new space. Plus, you’ll save time, money, and energy!